World’s largest Airports

Here are the top 3 largest Airports in the world

—–Considering the landmass of an airport, here are the top 3 Airports that are insanely large.

It’s quite intuitive to think that the busiest airports are the largest Airports but it’s not necessarily true. Some airports are big because of their annual passenger traffic. Some are big because for being hubs and cargo logistics centres. But these may not be the biggest when it comes to the area of the airports.

There are a lot of reasons behind each of these massive airports. Mostly, airport developers want to acquire more land to facilitate future growth and expansion.

Here’s the top 3 Airports which are absolutely behemoths.

The World’s largest Airport

On the top of the list stands the massive King Fahd International Airport in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. This mega airport occupies an area of 300 Sq miles with a large variety of amenities. This airport is a common hub for Dammam, Flynas, and Flyadeal for both domestic and international traffic. High end technology, world class Air Traffic Control systems, parallel runway operations providing clean operations and future ready for expansion. Airport’s construction was finished in November 1999.

Second Largest Airport

Denver International Airport in Colorado, USA is the second largest airport and is a masterpiece of its own. Built in 1995, this airport is the second busiest airport in the world with a massive runway size of 4800 meters. This airport is hub for several domestic and international airlines. It has a total of six active runways. The total area of this airport is 53 sq miles. This Airport features a tent shaped roof resembling the rocky mountains. There are shopping malls, restaurants, branded outlets, internationally famous antique items, and a lot many amenities for the passengers.

Third Largest Airport

The third largest airport Dallas/Fort Worth International in Texas, USA has an area of 29.5 sq miles. It has a single terminal which operates for both domestic and international passengers. It offers passengers a wide variety of amenities both for business and personal purposes. This airport was built in 1974 and expanded later on to become the third largest airport.

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