ATC Job Notification – India
Introduction to ATC

Air Traffic Control is a respectable profession all over the world. ATC personnel are considered with high regard and status. They go through rigorous training and undergo several examinations before becomming an active controller. It takes a lot of effort, patience, discipline and knowledge to finally become an ATC.
Air Traffic Control personnel work in the ATC towers in different units. For each unit they undergo a separate training as prescribed by the state. It seems obvious that an ATC has to study a lot. Why so?
Because the safety of the aircraft lies in the ATC personnel as much as it depends on the pilot. The profession holds immense responsibilty as it’s the only voice that can be heard high in the sky at 30,000 feet. ATC are authorised to give clearances to aircrafts, and pilots strictly abide to the clearances given. Non compliance to the clearances is considered offense by rule of law.
I can brag about this profession for hours and how critical the job is but more on it later, let us first understand how to become an ATC.
ATC job in India
In India, Airports Authority of India (AAI) recruits Air Traffic Control officers. AAI releases job notification every two years or so based on vacancy and requirement. New airports in India are being constructed at a rapid pace to meet the increasing traffic demand. With this point of view, AAI is recruiting more and more new ATCOs. AAI recruited more than 1000 ATCOs in the last two years and this trend may continue for a while.
Careers tab of AAIs official website published new ATCO job notifications. So keep an eye on the official website and beware of scam notifications which is rampant in India. We will notify you once AAI releases any new job notification. Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter.
Who can apply for the job notifications
Anyone who is an Indian with a graduation degree with 60% marks is eligible for the job.
How to apply
After the notification comes one has to follow the link given in the notification and apply for the exam online and pay the application fee. After the application deadline closes, AAI will send a notification via email regarding your roll number and examination date. One must qualify in this online examination to get the job.
After online exam
After the exam results are declared, roll numbers of the qualified students will be published on the official website. A written mail with joining order and other required documents will be sent to the qualified candidate. Candidate will be asked to physically appear for the voice test and document verification at the CHQ in Delhi.
Final selection
Candidate is selected after successful document verification and voice test. I will explain more about voice test in a different blog post. AAI wil send an official mail regarding the initial training for the ATCO.
This is the process of selection for ATC job in India. I hope I made few things clear. If you have any doubts you can contact me or send a mail. I’m happy to help.
Thanks for reading.